Tuesday 24 November 2015

SCM Winshuttle event at ICIL Barcelona

Last Thursday 19th of November I was presenting at the SCM Winshuttle event at ICIL Barcelona, more than 25 SCM professionals and great interaction talking about how Winshuttle Lean approach can help companies to improve their SCM processes.

Friday 23 October 2015

How to Improve and Fulfill Your Supply Chain KPIs

There is a golden rule in process improvements:
“You can only improve a process if you can measure it.”
If you don’t measure before and after implementing a change in a process, you can’t quantify the impact of the change. That’s why we define our KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in order to have a set of indicators to focus on. Improving these indicators will direct our business processes towards reaching our improvement goals.
To read the full post, follow the original at Winshuttle blog.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

How to Continuously Measure and Improve Your Winshuttle Workflow Processes

There is a golden rule in process improvements:
“You can only improve a process if you can measure it”
Without measuring before and after implementing a change in the process, we cannot quantify the impact of the change. This is one of the pillars of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle:
To read the full post, follow the original at Winshuttle blog.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Lean lessons from Columbia Space Shuttle disaster

I'm reviewing the content of the course content for the SCM master program I impart in ICIL. I  teach quality from a Lean point of view. I use videos to illustrate concepts explained in the class. As Space Race fan I wanted to use something related to explain quality concepts, I'm using the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster. 

It is a clear example of the importance of preventive actions, and how underestimating any factor can have a big impact with crises and unexpected problems. With just an EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) and a visual inspection of the shuttle, they would have detected the damages made by the foam. 

Seven brave astronauts passed away due to this incident, and the shuttle program was delayed two years and a half. The new flight protocol included a visual inspection for damages, but it was too late for those seven heroes. Rest in peace up in space...

Wednesday 14 October 2015

A Lean Approach to Managing Your ERP SCM Data

All SCM managers likely face a crossroads, and recent SCM studies show us that:
  • 50% of their processes are identified as processes that need to be improved as the market demands more and more.
  • 50% recognize that senior management looks to SCM as a strategic part of the company and demands not only cost reduction, but added value from SCM
  • 80% see their ERP  as something that delays or stops improvements to their processes with the flexibility they need. Their ERP is a straitjacket that doesn’t allow them to move freely.
To read the full post, follow the original at Winshuttle blog.

Supply Chain Management: Get Lean or Die

Supply Chain Management is an area where the Lean culture is widely present, mainly because it originated and developed in the manufacturing and production processes of Toyota in the 50s to 70s. But Lean SCM professionals that work with complex ERP systems (like SAP or Oracle) live in a paradoxical world:
  • Out of the ERP world, they are continuously improving their processes and removing waste around their processes in small incremental steps.
  • When they need to improve ERP, they cannot apply these techniques due to the rigidity of the ERP system.
To read the full post, follow the original at Winshuttle blog.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

At USF Lyon 2015

I will be tomorrow at the Winshuttle stand at USF Lyon 2015, pop by if you want to have a chat about Lean, LDM, MD, SAP or anything else :)

Thursday 27 August 2015

Toyota + General Motors + 1984 = NUMMI

New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI) was an automobile manufacturing company in Fremont, California, jointly owned by General Motors and Toyota that opened in 1984 and closed in 2010. It is a great history about applying Lean by GM with Toyota’s help. How one of the worst GM plants became the best one and how this was not leveraged across GM for nearly 10 years. Recently I got exposed to this great podcast where the whole story is covered, really recommended.

Funny one is that some months after closing the factory in 2010 (first Toyota plant to be closed) Tesla reopened it to start Model S production.

More info in the Wikipedia entry for NUMMI.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Lean Data Management en Oslo

Esta semana he estado en Noruega para un workshop con Bouvet, el partner Winshuttle para Noruega. Una sesión muy interesante con unos 30 asistentes en la que hablamos de como aplicar técnicas Lean a los procesos de gestión de datos en SAP.

Monday 27 April 2015

Lean Data Management y los beneficios de los pequeños cambios

Las empresas obtienen ventajas de coste de las economías de escala debido al tamaño y al resultado o escala de operaciones, con lo que los costes resultantes, por unidad, disminuyen a medida que los costes fijos se reparten sobre las unidades adicionales fabricadas. En resumen, cuantas más piezas produzca, más se reduce el coste por pieza. Sin embargo, esto solo se puede aplicar a la producción, pero no a los cambios.

Si quieres leer el post completo sigue al original la versión en ingles.

Monday 6 April 2015

Publicación en el E-3 Magazin

En el número de Abril del E-3 Magazin hay un artículo mio sobre Lean Data Management y Winshuttle:

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Cumpliendo una vocación

Este mes he empezado a hacer algo que era mi vocación desde los años de universidad: ser profesor.

En concreto he comenzado a colaborar con el ICIL (Instituto Catalán de Investigación Logística) en diferentes programas de formación (masters para postgraduados, executive masters  para profesionales y cursos avanzados para profesionales) es algo a tiempo muy parcial, que hago principalmente por hobby. En concreto estoy cubriendo módulos relacionados con Lean Manufacturing, TQM principalmente.

La verdad es que para los que llevamos un profesor dentro da gusto poder dar clase de vez en cuando :)

Monday 9 March 2015

En el SBN Norge 2015 para Master DAta

La semana pasada estuve en el SBN Norge (Grupo de Usuarios Noruega) en Oslo, que estuvo centrado en conversaciones y presentaciones sobre Datos Maestros, el siguiente artículo (en Noruego, nada que GoogleTransalte no pueda solucionar ;D) lo cubre. En concreto estuve presentando el enfoque Lean Data Management de Winshuttle:

 SBN Norge 2015 MD

Monday 9 February 2015

En el SAPPHIRE NOW de Orlando del 5 al 7 de Mayo

Del 5 al 7 de Mayo estará en el stand de Winshuttle en el SAPPHIRE NOW en Orlando. Si queréis hablar de Lean Data Management, aplicar Lean a SAP, del fútbol, de la vida o de otra cosa interesante pasaos por nuestro stand :)


Monday 19 January 2015

Buscar el valor es una historia interminable

La aplicación de técnicas Lean, o más concretamente mejora continua, es un enfoque a largo plazo que sistemáticamente busca mantener el valor y reducir el desperdicio de los procesos mediante pequeños y graduales cambios con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad. Las técnicas Lean se pueden aplicar a cualquier tipo de trabajo, pero es quizá más conocido por el Lean Manufacturing, es decir, aplicado al mundo de la producción.

Si quieres leer el post completo sigue al original la versión en ingles.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Presentación en ASUG Atlanta (Febrero 2015)

El próximo 27 de Febrero asistiré al evento del ASUG (Americas' SAP Users' Group) en Atlanta y hablaré sobre como aplicar técnicas Lean a nuestra gestión de datos.

Detalles del evento

 ASUG Atlanta